Oral presentation titled “The REMEDIC project as an integrated approach to the development of advanced-therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) and continuous education in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine” in the 2nd International Conference on Medical Education Informatics – MEI 2015, which...
Deliverable 4.1.1a
Deliverable 4.1.1b
One (1) Flow cytometer
One (1) Bioreactor
One (1) inverted fluorescent microscope with camera
Two (2) Laminar flow hoods class II
Two (2) CO2/multiple gasses incubators
One (1) centrifuge
Two (2) electronic Bunsen flamers
One (1) wat...
The first Guava easyCyteTM 8 flow cytometer has been installed in Thessaloniki Greece. Lars Ohl from by Merck Millipore explained and provided a hands on tutorial on its functions to the people of the REMEDIC project.
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The kick off meeting was held at small auditorium of the laboratory of Physiology in the Medical School of Aristotle University in Thessaloniki.
Image Gallery:
[gallery link="file" columns="4" ids="171,172,173,174,175"]
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